Pet sitters do much more than provide a pet with food and water while the pet owner is away from home.
A good pet sitter also spends quality time with the animal, gives him exercise and knows how to tell if he needs veterinary attention. What's more, pet sitters typically offer additional services, such as taking in mail and newspapers and watering plants.
But just because someone calls themselves a pet sitter doesn't mean they are qualified to do the job.
Why hire a pet sitter?A pet sitter—a professional, qualified individual paid to care for your pet—offers both you and your pets many benefits.
Your pet gets:
What should I look for?
It's important to learn all you can about a prospective pet sitters' qualifications and services. Before selecting a pet sitter, interview the candidates over the phone or at your home. Find out the following:
Helping the pet sitter and your pet
Of course, even the most trustworthy, experienced pet sitter will have trouble if you haven't also kept your end of the bargain. Here are your responsibilities:
Click here to inquire about pet sitting service from Angel Pets of Houston in the NW area - zips 77070, 77429, 77065, and surrounding areas.
But just because someone calls themselves a pet sitter doesn't mean they are qualified to do the job.
Why hire a pet sitter?A pet sitter—a professional, qualified individual paid to care for your pet—offers both you and your pets many benefits.
Your pet gets:
- To stay in the environment he knows best = less stressful for your pets
- His regular diet and routine = less stressful and healthier
- Relief from traveling to and staying in an unfamiliar place with other animals (such as a boarding kennel).
- Attention while you're away = less stressful and funner, not as scary.
- Happier family, friends and/or neighbors, who aren't burdened with caring for your pet.
- The peace of mind that comes from knowing that your pet is being cared for by a professional.
- Someone to bring in your newspaper and mail or turn lights on and off so your home looks lived in.
- Someone who will come to your home so you don't have to drive your pet to a boarding kennel,
- You don't have to leave your pet an extra day at the kennel because their hours of operation don't correspond with your late night or Sunday afternoon return plans.
- Other services provided by most pet sitters, such as plant watering and pet grooming, even light cleaning up after pets such as accidents or kitty litter on floors.
What should I look for?
It's important to learn all you can about a prospective pet sitters' qualifications and services. Before selecting a pet sitter, interview the candidates over the phone or at your home. Find out the following:
- Can the pet sitter provide written proof that she has commercial liability insurance (to cover accidents and negligence) and is bonded (to protect against theft by a pet sitter or her employees)?
- Angel Pets is covered by Pet Sit LLC - What training has the pet sitter completed such as Pet 1st Aid and CPR?
- Angel Pets sitters take the Red Cross Pet First aid Class. - Will the pet sitter record notes about your pet—such as his likes, dislikes, fears, habits, medical conditions, medications, and routines?
-Angel Pets asks you to fill out a detailed Pet Info Sheet about each of your pets at the Free Consult. - Is the pet sitter associated with a veterinarian who can provide emergency services?
-Angel Pets uses Dr. Tracy Animal Clinic and 249 Pet ER - What will happen if the pet sitter experiences car trouble or becomes ill? Does she have a backup?
-Angel Pets makes a copy of your key that is kept in a lock box at the business owners home. Either the owner or another sitter can get the extra key and cover sitters if there is an issue. - Will the pet sitter provide related services such as in-home grooming, dog walking, dog training and play time?
-Angel Pets also provides professional full service grooming in your home, dog training in your hom, daily walks and doggy adventure trips (play time X 10!) - Will the pet sitter provide a written service contract spelling out services and fees?
-Angel Pets uses a comprehensive contract and will email it to you ahead of time. - If the pet sitter provides live-in services, what are the specific times she agrees to be with your pet? Is this detailed in the contract?
-For over nights, where our sitter stay in your home, they will stay for 12 hours, from 7 pm til 7 am. - How does your pet sitter make sure that you have returned home?
-Angel Pets asks that you text or call us to let us know you made it home, if we don't hear from you we will assume your trip was delayed and we will continue to pet sit your pets. - Will the pet sitter text you photos and updates about your pets to ease your peace of mind about their safety and well being?
-Angel Pets does! - Will the pet sitter provide you with the phone numbers of other clients who have agreed to serve as references?
-Angel Pets is happy to provide references! You can also read our many great reviews here:
Google Reviews about Angel Pets Pet Sitting and Mobile Grooming in Houston
Yelp reviews about Angel Pets
Yellow Pages Reviews about Houston Pet Sitter
Even if you like what you hear from the pet sitter and from her references, it's important to have the prospective pet sitter come to your home to meet your pet before actually hiring her for a pet-sitting job. Watch how she interacts with your pet—does your pet seem comfortable with the person? If this visit goes well, start by hiring the pet sitter to care for your pet during a short trip, such as a weekend excursion. That way, you can work out any problems before leaving your beloved pet in the pet sitter's care for longer periods.
Helping the pet sitter and your pet
Of course, even the most trustworthy, experienced pet sitter will have trouble if you haven't also kept your end of the bargain. Here are your responsibilities:
- Make reservations with your pet sitter early, especially during holidays.
- Ensure your pet is well socialized and allows strangers to handle him. If he is shy arrange a few "before you leave" visits so he can get to know the sitter.
- Affix current identification tags to your pet's collar incase he bolts through the door.
- Maintain current vaccinations for your pet.
- Leave clear instructions detailing specific pet-care responsibilities and emergency contact information, including how to reach you and your veterinarian.
- Leave pet food and supplies in one place. For the highly organized, put each meal in a ziploc and label it.
- Buy extra pet supplies in case you're away longer than planned.
- Leave a key with a trustworthy neighbor as a backup, and give him and your pet sitter each other's phone numbers. Be sure those extra keys work before giving them out.
- Show the pet sitter your home's important safety features such as the circuit breaker and security system.
Click here to inquire about pet sitting service from Angel Pets of Houston in the NW area - zips 77070, 77429, 77065, and surrounding areas.